"Yo mama" jokes straight from the mind of AI. Available now on Amazon

GPT Giggles Admin

11/17/20232 min read


Available on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6s4ah7j

ChatGPT-4 came up with hilarious laugh-out-loud jokes, which have been curated by the author and are published in this new book.

This book is a world premiere as there is no other book with a collection of "Yo mama" jokes straight from the mind of artificial intelligence (AI). The jokes in GPT Giggles are for all the family to enjoy. The jokes inside this book may make you laugh-out-loud, cringe or wince but that is the beauty of humor.

The author, YM Sekoj, is interested in the impact that AI will have on the world – from the ground-breaking achievements to the mundane activities it will help us eradicate. The author is especially interested in how humans will interact with AI and how those interactions will change as AI, the likes of Chat-GPT, Bard and others, become even more sophisticated and intelligent than they currently are.

You would think that AI will come up with the best jokes ever. Why? Well, because, in theory, it has access to all the jokes ever told – the good, the bad and the ugly. Therefore, you would expect that it can analyse all those jokes and come up with foolproof laugh-out-loud jokes because it can generate ideas using all the jokes it has access to and it has (in theory) a better understanding of ‘all’ humans than most humans currently do – that is to say it has access to all the data to establish what most of us would find funny. For example, Chat-GPT has access to the data, which allows it to assess and then establish what humans would consider funny (or not). Using that data and its understanding of humans, one would expect AI to then be able to bring all that together and to be able to formulate spine-tinglingly funny jokes. So, is AI as funny as it should be? Is AI funnier than you (probably)? Well this is your chance to find out. GPT GIGGLES: 250+ “YO MAMA” JOKES FROM THE MIND OF AI is packed with hilarious “Yo mama” jokes generated by AI.

To write this book, the author interacted with ChatGPT-4 by setting out detailed, specific and precise prompts and asking it to respond and generate jokes in line with the prompt. For example, the author would ask ChatGPT-4 to tell several “Yo mama” jokes about a particular subject. ChatGPT-4 was encouraged to "be funny and silly" and in some instances to tell the “Yo mama” joke with a specific audience in mind.

GPT Giggles is the author’s attempt to capture the zeitgeist. The book allows the audience to see what Chat-GPT is capable of in terms of understanding human behaviour and humor. It will be interesting to see whether Chat-GPT gets funnier with time as its understanding, sophistication and access to information increases. Who knows, maybe Chat-GPT will one day become the world’s highest-grossing comedian and it will shake its ‘head’ at the jokes in this book and say ‘I could do much better than that’!

Grab a copy of GPT GIGGLES: 250+ “YO MAMA” JOKES FROM THE MIND OF AI and let the author know what you think by way of a review on Amazon. Get your copy here: https://a.co/d/6s4ah7j

All reviews (good, bad or constructive) will be much appreciated.