Why Google’s Bard Avoids “Yo mama” Jokes – A Deep Dive into AI Humour Policies (Including references to "yo mama" jokes and AI's role in their creation)

Explore the debate surrounding Google's AI, Bard, and its decision not to generate 'yo mama' jokes. Dive deep into the reasons, compare it with other AI models like ChatGPT-4, and understand the cultural implications of AI-driven humour. Discover the stance of major tech giants on AI-produced humour and the fine line between comedy and offensiveness

GPT Giggles Team

10/10/20232 min read

a computer generated image of AI code
a computer generated image of AI code


Google AI's Bard, a remarkable language model, boasts the ability to generate text, translate languages, craft creative content, and provide insightful answers. Yet, it abstains from delivering "yo mama" jokes. This article explores why and compares Bard's stance with other AIs like ChatGPT-4.

Bard's Reasons for Avoiding "Yo mama" Jokes

1. Concerns over Offensiveness: Bard emphasises that many "yo mama" jokes, ranging from "yo mama so dumb jokes", "yo mama so ugly jokes", "yo mama so poor jokes", "yo mama so fat jokes" or even "dirty yo mama jokes" and other variants, may be perceived as offensive due to their foundation on stereotypes and insults. This reasoning aligns with Google's broader mission to abstain from promoting offensive content.

2. Learning Curve: Bard, while advanced, admits it's still evolving. It's not yet adept at grasping the nuances of "yo mama" humour.

3. Google's Image: Google aims for Bard to champion positivity and inclusivity. Distributing potentially hurtful jokes might deviate from this goal.

It's essential to juxtapose this with the newly released book, "GPT GIGGLES: 250+ "YO MAMA" JOKES FROM THE MIND OF AI" by Y. M. Sekoj, demonstrating that AI, like ChatGPT-4, can produce non-offensive "yo mama" jokes when appropriately guided. Sign up to our newsletter for updates on this book.

Topics Bard Considers Sensitive

Bard avoids humour based on appearance, intelligence, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, gender identity, sexual violence, and death or illness. Bard emphasises its objective to prevent content generation that might be deemed harmful or offensive.

Comparing Bard and ChatGPT-4 on "Yo Mama" Jokes

While Bard refrains, ChatGPT-4 from OpenAI does share "yo mama" jokes. However, ChatGPT-4 is also very timid and is often unwilling to create jokes about certain subjects.

1. Content Concerns: Though ChatGPT-4 dishes out these jokes, it avoids controversial topics, stressing sensitivity and avoiding offence.

2. Building Rapport: OpenAI possibly perceives these jokes as rapport-building tools, blending humour with creativity without crossing boundaries.

The Popularity of "Yo mama" Jokes

Based on insults or stereotypes, these jokes are humour staples across cultures. According to Bard, their unexpectedness, absurdity, and non-confrontational nature contribute to their appeal. Furthermore, they foster camaraderie among individuals.

Technology and "Yo Mama" Jokes on Social Platforms

Humans have tried to utilise other technology in several ways to interact with in relation to "yo mama" jokes. For example, countless YouTube videos show people interacting with Siri in "yo mama" joke battles. An example is the popular Siri yo mama jokes video: Watch the hilarity unfold here.

People have also engaged with Amazon's Alexa for "yo mama" jokes, and Alexa's capability to crack "yo mama" jokes has surprised many. There are countless videos on TikTok where people engage with Alexa to tell them "yo mama" jokes. Check them out for yourself and decide whether they are funny or not.

Concluding Thoughts

The debate on whether AIs like ChatGPT-4, Bard, Siri, or Alexa should share "yo mama" jokes remains subjective. For Google, the choice is clear: Bard champions a vision of positivity and inclusivity, and that includes steering clear of jokes that might hurt sentiments.